A few months before 2020, I bet everyone of us has already laid out plans for the coming year. Given quite a number of long weekends, w e already have a good idea for our vacation plans, how will we utilize our work leaves and where will we go during our holidays. Then enter 2020. January proved to be not a good start of the year. There were volcanoes erupting, celebrities dying and yes of course Covid-19 pandemic . Covid-19 pandemic which is caused by the Coronavirus resulted for most of us to be locked down in the comforts of our own homes. Employees were advised to work from home and stay away from the public to contain the spread of the virus. Unfortunately for some, their livelihood was taken away because working from home is not feasible and their company has no means to sustain the workforce. Experts say that the world will be going to a period of depression and many more jobs will be inevitably ...
In a world dominated by patriarchy, I am amazed to see strong and powerful women in our society. Very good examples are Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, Nirmala Sithraman, the current Defense Minister of India and the second woman to hold the office, and our very own Charo Santos Concio, the Chief Content Officer of ABS CBN which is the largest entertainment and media conglomerate in the Philippines. Even though, gender discrimination is still prevalent at this day and age, let’s always instill the empowerment of women in every day of our life. There is nothing wrong with feeling confident, satisfied and gratified. Women should have rights just like everyone else regardless of the gender. As women, we must: Lead by example. Empowering other women is to lead by example. Be a role model in the society. Watch what we say. Practice what we preach. Live without hurting others. Do our best in everything we do so that our little sisters, daughter, mother, and circle of ...