A few months before 2020, I bet everyone of us has already laid out plans for the coming year. Given quite a number of long weekends, w e already have a good idea for our vacation plans, how will we utilize our work leaves and where will we go during our holidays. Then enter 2020. January proved to be not a good start of the year. There were volcanoes erupting, celebrities dying and yes of course Covid-19 pandemic . Covid-19 pandemic which is caused by the Coronavirus resulted for most of us to be locked down in the comforts of our own homes. Employees were advised to work from home and stay away from the public to contain the spread of the virus. Unfortunately for some, their livelihood was taken away because working from home is not feasible and their company has no means to sustain the workforce. Experts say that the world will be going to a period of depression and many more jobs will be inevitably ...
Small things or moments in our lives are often unnoticed or not appreciated. They are undervalued because we are deeply focused on the major or significant happenings in our life. But this holiday season, for a change, why don’t we try to celebrate the small feats that happened to us. We are always dreaming or waiting for the big things to arrive for us to be contented, but the truth is, it is the small things that matter most. Now Christmas is approaching, and everyone is busy buying gifts and preparing for the celebration. We buy presents for our friends and families expecting it to be appreciated but ironically, we ourselves are unappreciative in what we receive, and expecting something else better. We are trying to look for something expensive or something worthy of recognition because of our thinking that gifts should be high priced for others to appreciate. I don’t disapprove anyone for this action or beliefs because many of us would think that the value of that special p...